Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dragons by Natalie Plaza C.

I really believe that many years ago there were dragons on the earth. I remember when the movie Dragonheart appears on movie theaters. I could not watched in a big screen because they showed it after 9pm and, at that time, 9pm was too late for a fourteen year old girl. So, I had to wait until they came up with the DVD and finally watch it. After that first time, every time that it is on TV I watch it completely.

The movie set takes place in Britain around 10th century and is related with the legend of Arthur. In the movie, the most amazing part is when “Draco” the dragon opens his chest, takes half of his heart and gives it to the prince in order to save him. Another amazing scene is when “Draco” dies because his soul goes high on the sky and becomes part of his ancestors.

In these days, the only animal that resembles dragons is the Komodo Dragon. It is considered as one type of lizard and it is found in some islands of Indonesia. In fact, Komodo is the name of one of the islands where it can be found. They can grow up around two to three meters and weight the same as my brother, which is 70 kilograms. As we have seen on the movies, this type of lizard does not have wings and is not able to spell out fire. Perhaps, they have the strength to attack even people. Even though, I would like to have the chance to see them in real life because they are closer to dragons than any other animal alive.

1 comment:

  1. I really want to watch the movie!!
    I'll rent the DVD if I come back to Japan!
