Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Moath's Terrible Night

On January 13,2010 at night (that was my second week in US and my first day in this apartment )
when my roommate and I moved to our new apartment ,which is close to the extension, and arrange our stuff , we went to living room which is sharing area with 2 another rooms. We found a man ,who lives in one of those rooms , was playing XBOX and we sit with him and talking together because it was first meet. After that, someone rang the doorbell and the man checked the peep hole and saw who it was. Before he opened the door, he hid his XBOX in his room and proceeded to open the door. He tried open the door very slowly but the intruder grabbed his arm and kicked the door open. The intruder said that " don't move .. no body move" then he began to hit the man and was yelling he wants his belongings. The man was replying that he did not have it. After this the intruder approached my roommate and I and he grabbed our iphones. After grabbing our phones he physically grabbed my roommate in threatening manner by his shirt asking him if he was calling the police, my roommate responded how I can have called the police and you took my phone. He proceeds to take my roommate's wallet, he opened it looking for credit card or cash and my roommate stated he does not have any. After this the intruder threw the wallet and he left the apartment. My roommate and I went into my room and locked the door and we were thinking about many things, also we don’t have phones, so we can’t call the police or anybody else. Therefore, in the morning, we called the police and they came and asked us many questions and took a lot of pictures then they left and said “we will call you later”. It was terrible night and I was thinking to go back to my country because I think this situation you can see it just in MOVIES.


  1. OMG, that was really terrible. Is your apartment in gated community or not? because I think this is the most important thing.
    What did the police do with the xbox man? I guess he knew the intruder before .. and why he didn't tell you about him before he opened the door?
    And my last question :)
    Are you still living at this apartment?
    I hope not.


  2. :0 I just saw this thing happening in movies and can't believe it happened in my classmate's life. I'm sorry to hear this, and hope everything will gonna be OK. So, heheee, have the polices called you later and found the intruder?


  3. thank you for your concern shouq.
    no its not gated..
    the office kicked him from the apartment. but the police didn't do any thing for him because he is underage.
    yup you are right .. he didn't tell me because the intruder is "his uncle" !!!!!!
    no I got a good apartment and for sure its GATED.


  4. thanx faye..
    yup every thing is good now..
    the police called me because they caught the intruder and they told me you should go to the Court.
    however I asked many people one of them who works in Saudi Embassy and he said don't go to the court because they are drags dealer , so he has many friends and your life will be in dangerous. therefore, I didn't do anything and I still miss my iphone .


  5. ohhh !!! take care more and more Moath .Really it is terrible night so try to move to a new place which is more safity .

  6. It's horrible I think.Thank god you didn't have physical injury.
    Let me tell you something important,the secretery of BOA bank,the kind-hearted women, told me that after eight o'clock,the riverside here is quite dangerous.It'll have violence and criminals.
    we are students also foreigners,so take care of yourself.

  7. What a night! Truly, every time that I checked writing’s blog I wondered “What would be this story about?” But, I had never read it until now. The reason why I did not read it before is because I liked to imagine different things in order to guess the answer. Finally, I already read it, and I should say that none of my answers were close! I cannot believe that this really happened to you in your first night. Sometimes, a lot of things happen around us but we do not understand immediately but after days or sometime after years.

    Once, I got through a similar situation, but at the end they did not take anything from me. The good thing about it was that I discovered that I could manage those kind of situations. Perhaps, I still do not know the reason why that happened to me.

    Natalie Plaza.
