Sunday, August 15, 2010


Yesterday,my dear friends and I went to the magical wonderland__Disneyland.It's a big theme park, really.we nearly played all of the games in there.
we four are all crazy about the exciting games,so we went straightly to the item called "Roger Rabbit's cartoon spain"which seems like the roller-coaster.Although it's not in the same league with "MAGIC MOUNTAIN",we enjoyed ourselves so much from the beginning.
we surprised by the architechtures of every part of the "world'.We had a lot of fun and everything was so fantastic.We flied over London with PeterPan;we played with Winnie;we met Snow white and Pinocchio.Visiting their houses was a short journey with mysteries.
We caught up with two prades named"Celebrate Day",it's a street party.No matt
ter passionate actors or audiences were dancing and singing with the popu
lar,strong-rythm music,I found the true hapiness on their smilling faces.
There are many Candy-Shops and toy shops for visitors to consume.I bought some cute toys for my chinese friends as their presents.
We felt regret for not being allowed to play "thunder Mountain Railroad"because of the time schedule.However, we got some Fastpass tickets from the young kind passenger.It's for Indian John's Adwanture!!!!!!We appreciated for experiencing that game.We were LUCKY girls.
Before leaving there, we watched the fireworks' proformance.I fell in love with there with no reason.I took pictures as much as I could to keep such a beautiful moment.
We built precious memories together that would lastlong in my life.Compared with Chinese amusement park, everyone, young and old, could find their pure and innocent from childhood;everynoe were immersed in a festival atmosfere, forgetting the "grown-up"world.It's a great feeling beyond description!Soooooo,I love it!!


  1. I agree with you, Yu. I have been to downtown Disney once. My friends and I planned to watch the firework but we were late for that. However, even visiting the streets in downtown Disney is already a great thing. Every shop has its special decoration and everything is beautiful. Did you take some photos with the big words "Califoria" in the main gate? I did. We had a lot of fun with it. It is worth spending a whole day in Disneyland!


  2. OUHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I can feel your happiness by reading your post. Writing this comment, I can even imagine your smiling face. You will never forget that day in Disneyland because it made you feel like a child again. I went to Disneyland when I was nine years old and I still remember all the attractions, games and all the candies I ate during the visit.
    I feel happy for you! You should post more pictures.
    Natalie Plaza.
