Monday, August 23, 2010

Last Thursday

Last thursday was the last day that June was studying with us.

I knew it in the begining of our course. However, time went quickly and I didn't remember that he would leave us on Wednesday oy Thursday. Actually, in that morning, When I didn't see June in the class, I told to Hiro that June left Riverside. But I saw him in the writing class!! He told me that his flight was on friday. I felt sad at that moment because it is very hard to accept someone whom you see in these three weeks to leave.

However, this story didn't end up here. On Friday, we had a teacher evaluation during our writing class. Faye and I finished it early so we went to computer laboratory to use the internet. Guess who we saw there?


This guy forgot that there are time differences between China and US. He found out this mistake at Thursday's night and came to school on Friday to correct the pick-up service. I hope he will be fine!



  1. Finally, I saw this pciture on your blog!!I like it very much, because everyone have different appearences,everyone looks so nice.
    I know some of you will go back to school this weekend,I knew including you.soooooooooooo,,it's seems hard to express my feelings.Although we've been knowing each other fro only 4 weeks, but everything impressed me so much.
    sooo,gook luck!!miss you!!Please miss me,,haha


  2. Thank you for uploading picture, Phoebe.
    I miss June very much. He is so merry and friendly boy,so I'm sure he will get along with new classmates of his highschool in Idaho.


  3. This picture is a very good memory of our new class 515. In the last 4 weeks, I have a wonderful experience learning many different cultures. And Phoebe, you are a lovely girl,always happy and smiling. I will miss you: )PS: Today's performance is wonderful :P

  4. Good luck.. it was nice to know you guys..

