Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Magic Eye

One day, when I was 9 years old, we went to Jeddah beach and my father bought for me a small picture. It was colored, unclear and noisy, and at the back they wrote "Magic eye picture", followed by instructions of how you can discover the magic 3D picture inside it.

I took it and read the instruction, which was saying something like that: “Hold the center of the printed image right up to your nose. It should be blurry. Focus as though you are looking through the image into the distance. Very slowly move the image away from your face until……… etc”.

I started to do these instructions, one time, two times, ten times, hundreds times, but nothing appeared. I spent the whole day trying to figure out the 3D picture, but I couldn’t. Each one in my family tried to do it, and nothing happened. However, I was stubborn, and if I decide to make something, I’ll make it, even if it’s hard to do.

At the night, I was laying on my bed and the magic picture on my hand. Do you know what happen when you sink in your thoughts??? The scene in front of you, whatever it is, get blurry, right??? And that what happened to me at that time. The scene in front of me, including the magic eye picture got blurry, because I was thinking of my incomplete homework:(, and when I tried to focus again in the picture, the magic happened :D.

Yes, the picture converted to 3D, there was someone who played on a circus and many people around him, and without any sense, I moved my hand to touch it, because it seemed like something real. After that I went to my family to tell them, and guess what !! No one believed me. Oh, I remembered that time, I was so upset.

After a few months, the magic eye spread everywhere. One day, there was a competition in a local newspaper, every day they put a magic eye picture, and you should discover what inside it, and they put what is in the picture next day. I figured it the first day, and I challenged my family that I’ll be true. When the newspaper came next day, they finally believed me :D.

Actually, I guess a lot of you know it, and I don’t know why I remembered it these days?? I read a lot about it in the previous days, and how they make it. However, they used special software to make it.

Here I bring some of them to you, if you guess correctly more than 3 pictures, I may bring a chocolate for you (I said I may), but try to print it out, it will be easier to you.





And if you want more, you can find hunderds of them by searching google.

Enjoy :).



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is a nice story. I am glad to found someone who enjoys 3D pictures as well as me. The first time I could figure out the 3D picture I was also a child and, as you did, a collected them from a newspaper. I have always liked them. Let me share my story.

    Many years ago, on my first time in a foreign country, I was seating on the living room at my uncle’s house. I was waiting for my uncle’s permission to get inside the swimming pool. It was a sunny day as most of the days in San Salvador’s summers. I was impatient to enjoy the day but one of the workers was taking too much time to clean the pool. My aunt saw me and, instead of leave there waiting for the pool, she took me to her bedroom.

    At the beginning, I thought she was going to give me a sermon because of being such an impatient child but not, what she did was took a book from her shelf and gave it to me. She did not say a word of about it. So, I sat at her bead and started to look through the pages. There were no figures on them just images of mixed colors following a similar patron. After I finished my aunt asked me – Did you see the figures on any of them?

    Because I did not, I looked through the book again but I could not see anything until I read the last page. On the last page was written how to use the book. I do not remember the instructions but they must be the same as you mention before. I followed the instruction, my aunt helped me with it. Surprise! One hour later I finally could see the 3D figure inside the picture. Yes, I now, for me it was not so hard than for you.

    After that I became a 3D picture fan. The amazing thing was that at the middle of the summer one of the local newspaper starts to print out 3D pictures. So, I started to collect them and when the summer ended and I had to return to my country, my aunt kept sending me the 3D pictures from the newspaper. So, now days, I have a good collection of 3D pictures under my mattress, it is the only place where they are not so exposed to dust and do not crumple.

    I almost forgot to tell you what it is on each picture.
    1. Some kind of cylinder in the middle of a ring
    2. Saturn
    3. Sharks under the water
    4. A rose

    Am I O.K? I wonder if I will get the chocolate!


  3. Hi Natalie,

    Welcome to the club dear :)
    In the last reading class, me, Roberta, Nurrdine and Faye were trying to figure out the last one :D
    Did you bring these collection with you?
    I love to know what inside each one, but usually I ended with pain on my eyes, did you suffer from the same thing?

    Children these days didn't show thier passion to magic eye pictures, maybe because the spread of the electronic games.

    You deserve the chocolate, sure :D


  4. Oh my God!!!!
    I couldn't figure out any picture. You are great guys.
    I will keep trying, if my eyes permit.

  5. I think the picture is just like "wan hua tong"in our country.It's amzing and interesting.I want to see more pictures from you ,can you give me??how can I contact you.heiheihei!I reslly want to see it.


  6. Lamentably, I did not bring my collection; It is still under my mattress. I would like to organized all the pictures from it and put them together like a book, so that it will be better to show them to others. In addition, I have tried to buy books about 3D pictures but they are very expensive. So, If you find a place with good prices, please, let me know.

    A part of that, I have found that it is easier to watch 3D pictures on paper rather than from a computer screen. In my case, I do not have problem with any of them that is why my eyes do not get tired. I think that one you get custom, you won’t suffer from pain eyes any more.

    Message for Roberta: Keep trying, you will do it one day!!!!

    Natalie Plaza.
