Friday, July 9, 2010


Hi. My new classmates! I am really happy to say hello by blogging.

I'm Insun Kim. I am from Seoul, South Korea. Have you ever been there? Seoul is very interesting city. Seoul has been being capital city of Korea for a long time, so the city is ceter of economy, education, culture and politics. Espectally, you can enjoy modern and traditional culture at the same time in Seoul. For example, Heahwa-dong is good place to watch Korean modern performance. Also, that placed is closed to Kingdem of Joseon palace. If you have a chance to visit to Seoul, I would like to recommand Heahwa-dong (Daehak St. and Changduk palace) Also, You can visit many other prestigeous universities and enjoy Korean university life in Seoul. For instance, Ewha Womans University was eshtablished 125 years ago. it has beautiful and classic campus there.

I'm studying environmental science in Ewha Womans University. I am interested in Air pollution. Last semester I finished my final paper about Air Pollutant of North Korea. While I was researching, I experience many kinds of problem; finding date, interviewing researcher and reading thesis in English. However, it was great and interesting time for me. So I decided to go to graduate school in same university after graduating.

In free time, I try to do various kinds of things: reading books, hanging out with my friends, traveling and so on. Thesedays, I usaully watch American drama, Grey's Anotomy. I started to watch the drama to improve my listening skill at first, but now it became my best hobby.

This quater will be my last one in America. I hope to make good memories with you.


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