Friday, July 9, 2010

Kiwon's Introduction

I'm Kiwon Cho. You can also call me K.

I'm from Seoul, capital city of South Korea. My hometown, Seoul, is always over-crowded in any part of it. As you think, Korea is a small country but there are about 700million people to live and it's seperated by 2 countries, South and North, and 5/7 of Korean lives in South. It tells that how South Korea can be crowded. That kind of Crowding condition makes seoul modernize. Because everyone is busy and needs to move fast but overcrowded. In short, owing to problems that can be generated by the crowd, Seoul needed to be modernized. I'm sure that Seoul is one of the most mondernized city on the plannet, even though, you couldn't have been spoken it. There's a simple instance, I use cell-phone including magnetic card to pass entries at train stations and transfer to the other kind of transportation or other lines of subway.

I'm a bachelor of Hotel management and Culinary of arts. Since my major I like to cook something that I can or new and creative things. However, I've re-entered the University this year to study Chemical-Biological Engeering. It looks that there's a big difference among what I used to major and major now, but they're highly related with themselves.

For last few years that I was studing others, I couldn't have got free-time, but I have a mount of hobbies. I'm apt to like something make me scared such as watching horror movies, bungee-jumping and even sky-diving. If you also like those activities, contact me and make a plan to do in US.

Thanks Guys. It's really nice to get to know you all !

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