Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Wicked Woman

Sometimes, one person can give you a good or bad image about his country.

When we arrived to Riverside before one month, me, my brother, his wife and their three children, we decided to go to LA for one week, so we can have fun before the studying start. We went to Sheraton hotel, and got two rooms, one for me and the other for my brother's family, and a terrible thing happened to me there :(.

First, let me talk a little bit about the causes, my nephews, I called them trouble maker:

1- Hatoon (5 years)

2- Faisal (2 years)

They are fighting all the time, nothing can stop them, she takes everything from his hand, even if it's boy's toy, and he pulls her hair, after that, both of them cry. For that reason, Faisal always stays and sleeps in my room, and Hatoon stays with her parent.

In 4th day in LA, at 1:30 PM, my brother went outside to meet someone, and his wife came to my room with Hatoon so the housekeeping could clean her room, and the WAR began, Hatoon took Faisal’s car, and he pulled her hair, they cried, yelled, shouted on each other, and the room was totally in anarchy.

After a few minutes, someone hit my door hardly, I thought it was by mistake, so I ignored it, but after ten minutes, another hit on my door, and my nephews were afraid, I opened the door and I saw the housekeeper's equipment and a woman wearing sport suit walking away, I thought the housekeeper dropped something on my door by mistake. Then I discovered that I was wrong, because after that I received the same hit on my door, and it was continuous hits. When I looked through the magic eye, it was the women that wore the sport suit, and I guess you all knowing the reason.

My brother’s room was 444, and room 446 was empty, then room 448 was my room, and the wicked woman was in room 450. When I opened the door, she yelled on my face “IF YOU CAN’T CONTROL YOUR CHELDREN, GET THEM TO THE POOL SO THEY CAN PUT ALL THEIR ENERGY THERE, I CAN’T WORK”.

I was surprised, shocked, a lot of feelings, then she turned and went to her room. I closed the door, and everyone was quite, I went to the phone, and I saw the emergency button, I pressed it without any hesitation, and a woman answered me “911, how can I help you?” OMG!!! 911??? I heard about that in the movies only :. I apologized to her because I thought it’s the hotel’s emergency, not 911 :(.

After that I called the front desk, and I said that someone hit my door several times, and they said they will send a security.
When I opened the door to wait the security, the wicked woman was standing on front of my door, her eyes were red and full of evil, I ignored her until the security arrived, he was very tall and huge, at that time, I started to yelled on her face like she did, I was very angry and my body was shaking, I told her it is not her business to tell me what I should do to our children, it is not her prerogative to yell on my face and hit my door many times and talked to me directly, she got anger more and more, and she said to the security that she hit me door only one time, a BIG LIER. I told him she lie, and our voices get higher, the security shouted "Heeeeeeeeey ladies, I’m standing here, stop that”.

After that, he said to her that she was totally wrong, because she must call the hotel, not hit my door and talked with me. Of course she didn’t like what he said, so she left us and went to her room. The security apologized to me, and said he knows they are children, I thanked him, and I went back to my room. The front desk called me, and said they can move me to room 446, so I’ll be close to my brother, and of course I refused and told them they should moving her not me, they said she refused too, I DON’T CARE.

Actually, I was strong on front of her, my brother’s wife said she surprised, because usually I’m very calm. But after she left my room with her kids, my eyes filled with tears, I hated everything, I felt that I want to go back to my home and my family, I felt that I need my parent to protect me, I’m not the spoiled girl any more, I'm alone now, and I should rely on myself, just myself.

That women, gave me a very bad image, I thought all people here will be like her, I said to myself “They are always said the American people are friendly, they are not”.
But know, I know that I was wrong, when I started the studying, everybody were kind, polite, friendly and smile. I judged on all because a behavior of a wicked women, yes she was very wicked :D.

P.S: I hate her



  1. Your nephews are very cute(#^3^#)
    I think the trouble makers must brought you a memorable experience, it is spicy, but worthwhile, isn't it? :P
    Your article is vivid. I can't help reading it and eager to know what will happen next. I like it : )


  2. Hey, they are really cute!!!!!!!
    I understand what you felt, because must be so compelling to discuss with someone that you don't know and mainly because you are in her country.
    You have a good conduct dear and it is difficult, but now you must learn how to help yourself because here you are alone.
    Be strong and take care always.
    By the way, i like your way to write. See ya!!!

  3. Faye
    Yup sure :)
    especially when you try to get rest in the car after a long day, and suddenly the trouble makers fall on your head, because each one try to get the DVD's remote first.
    I don't know how they can get out from their car seats !!
    BTW, I'm glad that you liked it, because you have very creative ideas in writing :)

    you are right.
    I'm not in my country and I don't know how to conduct with problems like this, plus, it was my first days here.
    Thank you for your encouragement my dear.

  4. ooh.. your nephews are cute.I love them espacialy HOTON:).
    I upset when i read what happened to you with wicked women,but honey don't let that give you a bad impression about American people. Most of them are friendly and nice..


  5. omg.. they are sooooo cute..!!! l really like babies T.T even though babies make trouble, i wanna them!!!
    -yoo jin pan

  6. your nephews are so cute! i love children! i didn't know you had experienced like this funny happening so i was surprised. but i really envy you because you stayed LA long time!

